A holiday accommodation is a really good base if you want to experience Brittany. If a diverse programme of experiences and time to unwind together is number 1 on your holiday wish list, nothing can beat a holiday accommodation.

The time in your holiday accommodation is entirely your own – and of course you alone decide how to use your time.

Brittany is a beautiful place to spend your holiday – and with a holiday accommodation as your base, you are free to choose between experiences, excursions and total relaxation, so to speak. Brittany is a great place for a holiday.

Here, the family has time to unwind with one another and you can choose exactly the experiences and excursions you have in mind. The dream of having time to spend together and sharing beautiful holiday experiences with one another is within reach. With a holiday accommodation as a base, a hundred percent of your holiday time is yours and of course you can use it precisely as you wish.

If you rent an accommodation with a pool, of course you can be absolutely certain that your children will be looking forward to the start of your holiday.

Tips for holiday experiences

As one of the oldest regions of France, Brittany includes numerous cultural institutions like museums and performance spaces.

The water may be a little cold for swimming during most seasons, but it’s a great place to stroll in the surf, take a moment to sunbathe, or build fantastic sandcastles based on the island-rooted Fort National, which you can see from shore.

Brest’s Oceanopolis gives visitors the chance to see nature up close. There are thousands of animals to visit, including sharks, sea lions, and penguins.

To explore a traditional walled town, plan a visit to Dinan in the Côtes-d'Armor department; it will transport you back in time.

Explore the pirate lore that surrounds the town of Saint-Malo, located strategically on the English Channel.

If passing through Lorient in August, be sure to catch the Inter-Celtic Festival to meet Celtic artists and listen to traditional Celtic music from all over the world.

When it’s time to relax, visit Plage du Sillon. This sandy beach offers stunning views and beautiful waters within easy reach of civilization.

Price guarantee - accommodation in brittany with pool

If you have found the the accommodation that is to be the base for your family’s holiday, you can rent it immediately via the Internet. You are then automatically covered by the Feline Holidays price guarantee.

Simply put, that means that we promise that none of our competitors rent the an accommodation you prefer at prices better than our price.

In the unexpected event that an error does occur in our monitoring of competitors’ prices, we will reimburse the entire price difference to you.The amount will simply be paid directly to your account.

Customer service - accommodation in brittany with pool

If you have questions about or special requirements for your search for "accommodation in brittany with pool" simply contact us. Send us an e-mail by info@feline-holidays.com or call: (+45) 8724 2252.

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