An accommodation at the beach is the clear choice when your main aim for your holiday is spending pleasant days at the seaside.

If you book an accommodation by the beach, it will not only be easy to enjoy life on a towel on the warm sand. On west-facing coasts, an accommodation by the beach offers a fantastic view in the evening as the sun sets into the sea.

You can unwind in the sand here and naturally also look forward to the other holiday experiences Brittany has to offer.

A holiday accommodation is a really good base if you want to experience Brittany. A holiday accommodation is just the right solution if a combination of experiences and total relaxation is on the wish list for your holiday.

The time in your holiday accommodation is entirely your own – and of course you alone decide how to use your time.

You definitely aren’t doing anything wrong if you resolve to book a holiday accommodation as a base for the family holiday. Brittany is a beautiful place to take a holiday.

Here, you have time to relax together, you can unwind together and choose exactly the experiences and excursions you feel like taking. The dream of spending time together and sharing wonderful experiences will soon come true. With a holiday accommodation as a base, 100% of your holiday time is your own and of course you can use it however you want.

Tips for holiday experiences

As a Celtic region, Brittany retains a distinct culture from the rest of France; there is a blend of French and Breton traditions that isn't found elsewhere.

Gourmands will be interested in visiting the famous salt marshes of Guérande; in addition to salt deposits, the marshes serve as a home to migratory birds.

If visiting Fougères on a weekend, a pit-stop at the weekend market, centered around the town’s belfry, is a must for local-grown produce.

The old quarter of Vannes was built for war, but today it’s a fairytale scene of half-timber houses, a turreted curtain wall, and even a public formal garden. Magical topiaries and open spaces give families something to marvel at as they stretch their legs.

Engineers and, those interested in the profession, won’t want to miss the 1843 the locks of the Canal d'Ille-et-Rance.

Brest’s Oceanopolis gives visitors the chance to see nature up close. There are thousands of animals to visit, including sharks, sea lions, and penguins.

Price guarantee - brittany beach accommodation

Irrespective of the which kind of accommodation you want to rent, the Feline Holidays price guarantee naturally applies to you.

Quite simply, that means we vouch that none of our competitors rent the an accommodation you prefer at prices better than our price.

In the unexpected event that an error does occur in our monitoring of competitors’ prices, we will reimburse the entire price difference to you.The money will be credited directly to your account.

Customer service - brittany beach accommodation

If you have any questions or particular requirements in the context of your search for "brittany beach accommodation" feel free to contact us. Send an e-mail to or call: (+45) 8724 2252.

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