If you are looking for an accommodation with space for your pet, the many options here on this page are the perfect places to start. The sooner you start searching, the more accommodations you can select from.

A holiday accommodation is an ideal base if you want to experience Costa Brava. If you select a holiday accommodation as a base for your holiday, you can look forward to a great blend of experiences, excursions, time to enjoy one another’s company and true relaxation in your selected holiday accommodation.

Naturally, you yourself determine how to use the time in the holiday accommodation you rented.

In your preferred holiday accommodation, your time is all your own, and you can choose just the experiences you wish to have. Costa Brava is a beautiful place to take a holiday.

Here, you have time to relax together, you can unwind together and choose exactly the experiences and excursions you feel like taking. The dream of spending time together and sharing wonderful experiences will soon come true. With a holiday accommodation as a base, your holiday time is entirely your own and you can use it as you wish.

Tips for holiday experiences

A trip to Costa Brava is perfect for the whole family. Visit Spanish beaches or Spanish mountains - the choice is yours.

Blanes, the gateway of Costa Brava, offers unique markets and festivals in any season. You will be at home in this lovely seaside town with uncommonly amazing weather.

Local food and wine tours can share a glimpse of the traditional way of life in rural Spain. Friendly people, good food, and wonderful memories await you in the countryside.

Take a tour through the development of cinema at the Museum of Cinema. On display, you will find pre-cinema artifacts, including antique shadow theaters. It is a unique look into the early days of the modern-day craze of cinema.

Alongside the Onyar River in Girona stand the unique houses of the wonderfully-preserved Jewish Quarter, the Call. Pastel colors and unusually-placed balconies set them apart from all the rest.

Talented people exhibit their traditional dance, music, and theater during the annual Folk Festival held in Lloret de Mar. The festival is truly a showcase of the people and customs of the Catalan region of Spain.

Besalú may only be a small village, but it features a gorgeous Romanesque-style bridge with seven arches set into existing riverbed rocks. You can walk along this L-shaped bridge and enjoy the clean air and sun.

Price guarantee - dog friendly holiday accommodation costa brava

If you have found the the accommodation that is to be the base for your family’s holiday, you can rent it immediately via the Internet. You are then automatically covered by the Feline Holidays price guarantee.

We guarantee that no other rental company rents the an accommodation that you prefer at a price lower than our price.

In the unlikely event that we make an error in our price monitoring, we will reimburse you the entire price difference.The money will be credited directly to your account.

Customer service - dog friendly holiday accommodation costa brava

Should you have questions about or special requirements for your search for "dog friendly holiday accommodation costa brava" you can of course contact us. Send an e-mail to info@feline-holidays.com or call us at (+45) 8724 2252.

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