Look forward to staying right beside the water.

If you choose a cottage by the beach, it will not only be easy to enjoy life on a towel on the warm sand. At west-facing coasts, a cottage by the beach offers an unrivalled view in the evening as the sun sets into the sea.

You can unwind in the sand here and naturally also look forward to the other holiday experiences Greece has to offer.

A cottage is an ideal base if you want to experience Greece. If a blend of experiences and relaxation are first on your family’s wish list for the holidays, there is simply nothing better than a cottage.

Greece is a beautiful place to spend your holiday - and with a cottage as your base, you are free to choose between experiences, excursions and total relaxation, so to speak.

Tips for holiday experiences

The Mediterranean climate that most of Greece enjoys makes it a great country to visit at all times of the year.

The entire family will be thrilled by the treasures housed in the Acropolis Museum in Athens. This modern museum was constructed with an amazing view of the Acropolis.

In Santorini's main town, Fira, take a donkey ride down the steep cliffs to the port.

If time allows, take a few days to explore the island of Rhodes and witness the blend of Turkish, Greek, and Italian cultures.

The Vergina Royal Tombs Museum in Macedonia allow visitors to travel underground to the tombs below. In the tomb of Phillip II, you can see his burial treasures, including a shield of gold and ivory.

Price guarantee - holiday cottage greece beach

Irrespective of the which kind of cottage you want to rent, the Feline Holidays price guarantee obviously applies to you.

Simply put, that means that we promise that none of our competitors rent the a cottage you prefer at prices better than our price.

In the unlikely event that a minor error occurs in our monitoring of the prices of other rental companies, we will reimburse the entire surplus.The money will simply be paid directly to your account.

Customer service - holiday cottage greece beach

If you have questions about or special requirements for your search for "holiday cottage greece beach" simply contact us. Send an e-mail to info@feline-holidays.com or call: (+45) 8724 2252.

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