The number of holiday houses with swimming pools you can choose from plays a key role in whether you can find exactly the holiday house that fulfils your wishes. Feline Holidays offers a very wide selection of holiday houses with swimming pools, so it is highly probable that you will find the perfect place here.

The dream of having time for one another and sharing wonderful holiday experiences with one another is within reach. With a holiday house as a base, your holiday time is entirely at your disposal and you can use it exactly as you fancy.

Tips for holiday experiences

Due to its location on the sea, sailing has a long pastime in Brittany and there are many opportunities to participate in the region.

Brest’s Oceanopolis gives visitors the chance to see nature up close. There are thousands of animals to visit, including sharks, sea lions, and penguins.

Saint-Goustan is a town for art lovers and quiet strolls. On Mondays, visitors can cross a medieval bridge to enjoy the neighboring town of Auray’s fantastic weekly market!

Batz’s old botanical garden gives visitors a moment in the tropics with its tall palms and other non-native plants.

Mid-July is the time to visit Carhaix; the Vieilles Charrues Festival brings lively concerts and a sampling of food stalls.

The Castle of La Latte looks like something out of a fairytale. Situated on the cusp of the ocean, this high-walled fort makes for a romantic and history-rich day trip.

Saint-Malo blends modern French charm with living history. Wander the medieval defenses and use your high vantage point to look through the twisting streets below for a quiet café where you can enjoy lunch.

Price guarantee - holiday house in brittany with pool

Irrespective of the which kind of holiday house you want to rent, the Feline Holidays price guarantee obviously applies to you.

That simply means that we guarantee to you that none of our competitors rents the a holiday house of your choice at a price lower than our price.

In the unlikely event that a minor error occurs in our monitoring of the prices of other rental companies, we will reimburse the entire surplus.We will simply lodge the total directly to your account

Customer service - holiday house in brittany with pool

Should you have questions or special requirements in relation to your search for "holiday house in brittany with pool" you should definitely contact us. Send an e-mail to or call at (+45) 8724 2252.

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