A holiday house at the beach is the clear choice when your main aim for your holiday is spending pleasant days at the seaside.

If you book a holiday house by the beach, it will not only be easy to enjoy life on a towel on the warm sand. You can also simply stroll along the water’s edge in the evening and enjoy the wonderful view.

Look forward to a few splendid days close to sand and water.

There is truly nothing that can compete with a holiday house if you want to experience or revisit Brittany. In the holiday house you chose, your time is your own and you can pick exactly the holiday experiences you feel like having.

Tips for holiday experiences

As a Celtic region, Brittany retains a distinct culture from the rest of France; there is a blend of French and Breton traditions that isn't found elsewhere.

Saint-Goustan is a town for art lovers and quiet strolls. On Mondays, visitors can cross a medieval bridge to enjoy the neighboring town of Auray’s fantastic weekly market!

A stroll through the Jardin des plantes de Nantes is a wonderful way for any flower lover to while away an afternoon.

The stained-glass windows of the Church of Saint-Léonard in Fougères shouldn’t be missed; the breathtaking use of colors and patterns is a fine example of the glass arts.

Gourmands will be interested in visiting the famous salt marshes of Guérande; in addition to salt deposits, the marshes serve as a home to migratory birds.

Feel like you’re at the edge of the world with a visit to Pointe du Raz, the western-most point in France.

All three of the Château de Fougères’ towers are well-preserved and ready for visitors to climb.

Price guarantee - holiday houses brittany coast

Irrespective of the which kind of holiday house you want to rent, you are of course covered by the Feline Holidays price guarantee.

That simply means that we guarantee to you that none of our competitors rents the a holiday house of your choice at a price lower than our price.

In the unlikely event that we make an error in our price monitoring, we will reimburse you the entire price difference.The money will simply be paid directly to your account.

Customer service - holiday houses brittany coast

If you have questions about or special wishes for your search for "holiday houses brittany coast", feel free to contact us. Send an e-mail to info@feline-holidays.com or call (+45) 8724 2252.

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