If you are looking for a villa with space for your pet, the many options here on this page are the perfect places to start. The sooner you start searching, the more villas you can select from.

If you make the decision to choose a villa as a base for your holiday, you can look forward to a great mix of experiences, excursions, time to enjoy one another’s company and absolute relaxation in your selected villa.

Tips for holiday experiences

France is home to some of the world's favorite cities like Paris, Nice, and Lyon, each with their own unique style and flavor.

If you love Roman history, you will be enchanted if you visit Lyon. The city's architecture is reminiscent of the time when Italian influence overwhelmed the region. Lyon was extremely important to the Italians back when the region was still called Gaul.

Half-timbered homes charm visitors in La Petite France. Structures from the 1500s still remain as photogenic as ever in this quaint Strasbourg trade village.

There is a long-standing debate about whether Lyon outshines Paris. While Paris tends to get a lot of recognition, Lyon has more than enough gold stars to make it worthy of a visit. This wine-producing city is rich in history and is home to several beautiful parks.

Take a cable car above Chamonix for icy views that will take your breath away, then glide down the slopes and show off your skiing abilities where Switzerland and France shake hands.

If you are visiting Cannes in May, you can nourish your love of movies and go to the Cannes film festival, the most well-known cinematic event in France.

The capital of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, Lyon is a blast from the past. Visit Vieux Lyon and witness the charming renaissance design of the structures.

Price guarantee - holiday villas france pet friendly

Irrespective of the which kind of villa you want to rent, the Feline Holidays price guarantee naturally applies to you.

Simply put, that means that we promise that none of our competitors rent the a villa you prefer at prices better than our price.

In the unlikely event that a minor error occurs in our monitoring of the prices of other rental companies, we will reimburse the entire surplus.The amount will simply be paid directly to your account.

Customer service - holiday villas france pet friendly

If you have questions about or special requirements for your search for "holiday villas france pet friendly" simply contact us. Send an e-mail to info@feline-holidays.com or call: (+45) 8724 2252.

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