Rent a cottage as a special offer with a reduced price

Here on this page, you can always see the widest range of cancelled cottages. The number of last minute-cottages is constantly changing. At no more than four weeks to a specific arrival date, the rental rate for a cottage is sometimes discounted. There are no exact rules on the cases in which last minute discounts take effect. However, this usually occurs due to a sudden illness, or another unforeseen event that occurs a few days before a guest is due to depart.

How much can I save when I look for last minute holiday cottages brittany?

You will invariably save at least 10% of the rent for a cottage, but the savings are very often significantly greater.

last minute holiday cottages brittany - What can I do if there are no reduced cottages in the area at the moment?

If there are currently no cottages that have been cancelled in the area, you can choose between two options. The one you decide on depends on your desired day of arrival.

If there are ten or more days left before your arrival date, you can decide to wait and see whether an offer crops up due to cancellation so that you can book a cottage. However, there is absolutely no guarantee. The less limited your geographical demands are, the more reduced cottages you will be offered.

So, briefly, your choice depends on your required date of arrival and your wishes for the area your cottage is to be in. That lets you find the greatest possible discount.

A cottage is the perfect base if you plan to experience Brittany. If a blend of experiences and relaxation are first on your family’s wish list for the holidays, there is simply nothing better than a cottage.

Anything is possible. Naturally, it is entirely up to you whether you prefer experiences and excursions or absolute relaxation in the cottage.

Tips for holiday experiences

Even in a country of wine drinkers, cider remains the traditional drink of Brittany and craft brewers can be found throughout the region.

For a taste of romantic, medieval architecture, pay a visit to Ploërmel in Brittany’s Morbihan department.

Take a stroll along the Sentier des Douaniers trail. Listen to the waves, and enjoy a high view of the ocean from the cliffs.

Kingoland offers thrill-seeking families a break from history and nature with roller coasters and log flumes. The theme park is exceptionally family friendly with rides for all ages.

Mid-July is the time to visit Carhaix; the Vieilles Charrues Festival brings lively concerts and a sampling of food stalls.

There’s nothing like a day in a boat with a picnic basket and good company, which is why tourists can rent narrowboats to traverse Brittany’s network of canals. There are several launch points, including Canal de Nantes à Brest in the south and Canal d’Ille-et-Rance toward the north.

Price guarantee - last minute holiday cottages brittany

If you have found the the cottage that will be your base for your family holiday, you can book directly online. They are automatically included in the Feline Holidays price guarantee.

We guarantee that no other rental company rents the a cottage that you prefer at a price lower than our price.

In the unlikely event that a minor error occurs in our monitoring of the prices of other rental companies, we will reimburse the entire surplus.The money will be credited directly to your account.

Customer service - last minute holiday cottages brittany

If you have questions about or special requirements for your search for "last minute holiday cottages brittany" simply contact us. Send an e-mail to or call: (+45) 8724 2252.

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