Self-drive holidays with your own car to your destination at Gran Canaria are ideal if excursions and experiences are near the top of your wish list. All you have to do is sit into your car and set off to have exactly the experiences you envision.

Rent a self catering holiday home as a special offer with a price reduction

Here on Feline Holidays, you can get an overview of the widest range of cancelled self catering holiday homes. The number of last-minute self catering holiday homes is constantly changing. At four weeks or less to a specific arrival date, the rental rate for a self catering holiday home is occasionally discounted. There are no specific rules on when this form of last minute discount becomes applicable. However, this normally occurs due to an acute illness or another unexpected incident just a few days before a guest intended to go on holiday.

How much can I save when I look for last minute self catering gran canaria?

You will save at least ten percent on any price for a self catering holiday home, but the savings are often even far bigger.

last minute self catering gran canaria - What can I do if there are no reduced self catering holiday homes in the area at the moment?

If no last minute self catering holiday homes are currently available in the area, there are two different things you can do. The option you choose depends on the day you plan to arrive on.

If there are ten or more days left before your arrival date, you can take the opportunity and wait to see if an offer crops up due to cancellation and you can find a self catering holiday home. However, there are no guarantees whatsoever. The alternative is to consider choosing a different area than that you had originally envisioned.

So, simply speaking, your decision depends on your required day of arrival and your wishes for the area in which your self catering holiday home is to be located. In this way, you can get the highest possible discount.

Tips for holiday experiences

A UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, the island of Gran Canaria has many natural wonders to offer travelers right off the coast of Western Africa.

Novice or skilled riders will love a horseback ride around Gran Canaria catching views of Las Palmas and trotting along the beach.

Travel around Maspalomas on a 4-hour bike tour with kids less than 48lbs riding on a parent’s pannier seat. Tour with a multi-lingual guide and then walk the dunes on the back of a camel.

After a relaxing day at the Maspalomas beach, head to Aqualand Maspalomas for a day of fun in the exhilarating waterpark.

Agaete, situated on the northern coast of Gran Canaria, is a tranquil fishermen town displaying a slight obsession with locally-grown coffee – a must!

Gran Canaria has the purest Aloe Vera in the world; enjoy an aloe spa treatment after a long day at the beach to relax and rejuvenate.

Tejeda, a high point of Gran Canaria, is a must-see during your stay, especially as it disappears in a sea of clouds.

Price guarantee - last minute self catering gran canaria

Irrespective of the which kind of self catering holiday home you want to rent, the Feline Holidays price guarantee obviously applies to you.

Simply put, that means that we promise that none of our competitors rent the a self catering holiday home you prefer at prices better than our price.

In the unlikely event that a minor error occurs in our monitoring of the prices of other rental companies, we will reimburse the entire surplus.The money will simply be paid directly to your account.

Customer service - last minute self catering gran canaria

If you have questions about or special requirements for your search for "last minute self catering gran canaria" simply contact us. Send an e-mail to or call: (+45) 8724 2252.

Choose among 12 holiday homes