Of course, you choose how you want to use the time at the holiday home you chose. All options are open. Naturally, it is entirely up to you whether you are primarily interested in experiences and excursions or would prefer to enjoy relaxation in perfection at your holiday home.

A cottage is the perfect base if you plan to experience Cornwall. If you choose a cottage as a base for your holiday, you can look forward to a wonderful mix of holiday experiences, excursions, time for one another and absolute relaxation in the cottage of your choice.

With a cottage as a base for your holiday, you are ideally equipped to experience Cornwall.

You can be absolutely certain that you will have a marvellous, first-class holiday in the holiday home with luxury features you want to book. With free access to your very own pool and the experiences that await you around Cornwall, you can look forward to a few wonderful days together.

Tips for holiday experiences

Once a Celtic nation in its own right, the county of Cornwall, located on the southern coast of Great Britain, was founded as a part of England in 1066 after The Norman Conquest.

If you are interested in nature, ancient ruins, and archaeology, the Carn Galver Mine, both beautiful and educational, is the perfect destination for you and your family.

Resting on a former Norman mound on the banks of the River Fowey, 13th century Restormel Castle is one of Cornwall's most fascinating historic sites.

At the Cornish Craftiness Sleyneth Kernewek, where over 40 Cornish artists have combined their crafts, you’ll find one of a kind, handcrafted items like hats, clothing, jewelry, and much, much more.

Another great place to see animals is the Porfell Wildlife Park in South East Cornwall where you can get up close and personal with more than 250 wild animals from around the world.

Padstow Harbour offers a little bit of everything, from interesting shops and museums, to stunning artwork and delectable restaurants that wrap right around the beautiful body of water.

A magnificent historic structure, the captivating Truro Cathedral should definitely be on your list of beautiful buildings to visit.

Price guarantee - luxury cottages in cornwall for rent

If you decide to book a holiday home on Feline Holidays, our price guarantee naturally applies for you.

Quite simply, that means we vouch that none of our competitors rent the a holiday home you prefer at prices better than our price.

However, if we do make a small mistake in our price monitoring, you will be reimbursed the entire price difference.We will simply pay the money to your account.

Customer service - luxury cottages in cornwall for rent

If you have any questions or particular requirements in the context of your search for "luxury cottages in cornwall for rent" feel free to contact us. Send an e-mail to info@feline-holidays.com or call: (+45) 8724 2252.

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