A holiday accommodation is exactly the right base if you are making plans to experience Brittany. A holiday accommodation is the obvious choice if a combination of experiences and absolute relaxation is on your wish list for your holiday.

All options are open. Naturally, it is entirely up to you whether you prioritise experiences and excursions or relaxation in perfection in the holiday accommodation.

There is nothing that can compare with a holiday accommodation when it comes to experiencing or returning to Brittany. Brittany is a beautiful place to take a holiday.

Here, you all have time to take things easy together and you can choose exactly the experiences and excursions you feel like taking. The dream of spending time with one another and sharing unforgettable experiences with one another will soon become a reality. With a holiday accommodation as a base, 100% of your holiday time is your own and of course you can use it however you want.

Is one of your family members a pet? Then it is simply ideal to rent one of our accommodations where you will find everything your four-legged friends need, and ample space for everyone.

Tips for holiday experiences

The beautiful beaches of the Bay of Biscay lay along Brittany's southern coast.

For a taste of romantic, medieval architecture, pay a visit to Ploërmel in Brittany’s Morbihan department.

Lovers of all things aquatic will want to schedule a stop at the Great Aquarium in Saint-Malo; it’s one of the largest aquariums in France.

If visiting Fougères on a weekend, a pit-stop at the weekend market, centered around the town’s belfry, is a must for local-grown produce.

Music lovers should plan for a concert at the Zénith de Nantes Métropole which is the largest concert venue in France outside of Paris.

Price guarantee - pet friendly accommodation in brittany

If you have found the the accommodation that will serve as your home base for the family holiday, you can rent it online immediately. You are automatically covered by the price guarantee of Feline Holidays.

All accommodations rented via Feline Holidays are covered by our price guarantee.

In the unlikely event that we make an error in our price monitoring, we will reimburse you the entire price difference.We will quite simply lodge the credit directly to your account.

Customer service - pet friendly accommodation in brittany

If you have any questions or particular requirements in the context of your search for "pet friendly accommodation in brittany" feel free to contact us. Send an e-mail to info@feline-holidays.com or call: (+45) 8724 2252.

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