Pets are particularly welcome holiday-makers in several of our holiday rentals. So there is no reason to leave looking after the family members who wear real fur to others. You can all set off together and enjoy marvellous holidays with everyone present.

Holidays are one of the most important times of the year, so expectations are high.

Tips for holiday experiences

Churches built in the ornate Baroque style can be found throughout Brittany.

When in Nantes, a visit to the Musée Dobrée is in order; the reliquary that holds Anne of Brittany’s heart is on display here.

Kingoland offers thrill-seeking families a break from history and nature with roller coasters and log flumes. The theme park is exceptionally family friendly with rides for all ages.

Medieval splendor awaits in the town of Guérande; there are many churches and ramparts from the 16th century to explore.

Gourmands will be interested in visiting the famous salt marshes of Guérande; in addition to salt deposits, the marshes serve as a home to migratory birds.

Price guarantee - pet friendly holiday rentals in brittany

If you have found the the holiday rentals that is to be the base for your family’s holiday, you can rent it immediately via the Internet. You are then automatically covered by the Feline Holidays price guarantee.

We guarantee that no other rental company rents the a holiday rental that you prefer at a price lower than our price.

However, if we do make a small mistake in our price monitoring, you will be reimbursed the entire price difference.The amount will simply be paid directly to your account.

Customer service - pet friendly holiday rentals in brittany

If you have questions about or special requirements for your search for "pet friendly holiday rentals in brittany" simply contact us. Send us an e-mail by or call: (+45) 8724 2252.

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