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Many great and challenging hours on skis await you when you come to Costa del Sol for a skiing holiday.

Tips for holiday experiences

If you are interested in a beach vacation for the whole family, consider beautiful Costa del Sol. This popular region has the longest beach season in Spain.

Feed gigantic fish and turtles at the Paloma Park near Benalmadena. The lovely gardens and large lake are home to many other animals - peacocks, rabbits, chickens, and others that roam freely in the park.

Take a cable car ride to the top of Mount Calamorro and look out for the shores of Morocco just to the south of Spain and the region of Costa del Sol.

Take an afternoon drive through the classic Andalusian Pueblos Blancos (white villages) in the beautiful Costa del Sol countryside.

Maybe one of the best things about the Costa del Sol is its countryside. There, travelers can see a multitude of farmland and groves of fruit and olive trees.

At almost any beach in Costa del Sol you can find espetos (skewered sardines roasted in pits) at beach bars called 'chiringuitos.' Don't hesitate to try this unique snakc.

Every August Málaga celebrates Feria de Málaga to commemorate the reconquest of Andalusia by Christians. This week-long street party offers attractions and food for all ages.

Price guarantee - winter holiday rentals in costa del sol

If you decide to rent a holiday rental on Feline Holidays, of course our price guarantee applies for you.

Quite simply, that means we vouch that none of our competitors rent the a holiday rental you prefer at prices better than our price.

In the unlikely event that a minor error occurs in our monitoring of the prices of other rental companies, we will reimburse the entire surplus.The total credit will simply be lodged to your account.

Customer service - winter holiday rentals in costa del sol

If you have questions about or special requirements for your search for "winter holiday rentals in costa del sol" simply contact us. Send an e-mail to or call: (+45) 8724 2252.

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