Naturally, you make your own decision on how to use your time in your villa. All options are open. Obviously, it is entirely your choice whether you would like to have experiences and excursions, or would prefer absolute relaxation in the villa.

Many great holiday experiences await you if you make the decision to take a skiing holiday in Costa del Sol.

Tips for holiday experiences

Spain's aptly named Costa del Sol (literally Coast of the Sun) experiences over 3,000 hours of sunshine a year. It is the perfect place for a family vacation with sun and fun.

At Tivoli World, there is a plethora of rides and gardens. Of special note are the Mansion of Terror and the Giant Ferris Wheel, there’s something here for everyone to enjoy.

La Duquesa Castle isn’t open too often, but when it is the whole family can enter inside of the small building and is a fantastic way to spend the day.

Tour the amazing caverns and high vaulted ceilings of Cueva de Nerja. These famous caves in Costa del Sol include the site of a Bronze Age burial and the world's largest stalagmite.

No trip to Costa del Sol is complete without a visit to its pueblos blancos (or white towns). Ronda, which is located on the two sides of a 330-foot gorge is especially beautiful, although Mijas, Nerja, Frigiliana, and Casares are must-sees as well.

Price guarantee - winter villa rental costa del sol

If you have found the the ski holiday that will serve as your home base for the family holiday, you can rent it online immediately. You are automatically covered by the price guarantee of Feline Holidays.

Simply, this means we guarantee that none of our competitors rent the a ski holiday you prefer at prices lower than our price.

However, if we do make a small mistake in our price monitoring, you will be reimbursed the entire price difference.We will simply pay the money to your account.

Customer service - winter villa rental costa del sol

If you have questions about or special wishes for your search for "winter villa rental costa del sol", feel free to contact us. Send an e-mail to or call (+45) 8724 2252.

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