Rent a self catering holiday home as a special offer with a reduced price

This website shows you the widest range of cancelled self catering holiday homes at all times. The number of last minute-self catering holiday homes varies constantly. There are no clearly laid out rules on when a last minute discount applies. As a rule, this happens in conjunction with an acute illness or another unexpected incident immediately before a guest was scheduled to depart for their holiday.

How much can I save when I search for last minute self catering holidays in cyprus?

You will save min. ten percent of any rent for a self catering holiday home, but in many situations, your savings will be even far greater.

last minute self catering holidays in cyprus - What can I do if there are no self catering holiday homes with rebates in the area at the moment?

If there are currently no reduced self catering holiday homes in the area, you have two options. The one you decide on depends on your desired day of arrival.

If your intended arrival date is no less than ten days away, you can decide to wait and see whether a cancellation turns up as an offer so that you can rent a self catering holiday home. However, there is no guarantee. The fewer geographical preferences you have, the more last-minute self catering holiday homes you will have.

So, basically, the fewer wishes you have to fulfil, the more self catering holiday homes you will have to choose from. That is how you can enjoy the greatest possible price reduction.

When it comes to going on a holiday you arrange yourself, there is nothing that can compete with a holiday in your own car. The car gives you the ultimate in freedom to put together exactly the combination of holiday experiences you fancy.

Tips for holiday experiences

A nation, an island and a respite, Cyprus offers many ways to refresh your spirit.

Play under the natural waterfalls of the Adonis Baths, and visit the nearby spa for mud therapy. You will also see statues of Greek gods and goddesses here.

Stretching more than a quarter mile, popular Nissi Beach enjoys a quiet cove and views of Nissi Islet.

Known for its beaches, Cyprus also offers mountains that might surprise you. Peaking above 9,000 feet, Mount Olympus is the island nation's tallest.

In Paphos, you will find the House of Dionysus, a preserved villa built 2,000 years ago that features memorable mosaics of its titular Roman goddess.

Price guarantee - last minute self catering holidays in cyprus

If you decide to book a self catering holiday home on Feline Holidays, our price guarantee naturally applies for you.

Quite simply, that means we vouch that none of our competitors rent the a self catering holiday home you prefer at prices better than our price.

However, if we do make a small mistake in our price monitoring, you will be reimbursed the entire price difference.We will simply pay the money to your account.

Customer service - last minute self catering holidays in cyprus

If you have any questions or particular requirements in the context of your search for "last minute self catering holidays in cyprus" feel free to contact us. Send an e-mail to or call: +45 8724 2252.

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